I’m Melinda. I'm an Austinite and I love elephants. I am The Elephant Initiative.
As much as I’ve always been in awe of elephants, I would have never imagined myself trekking with them through the forest in Northern Thailand. Yet here I was, mucking through bamboo, avoiding snakes and observing these elephants living naturally in their habitat. I embarked on this amazing journey after seeing a news clip on 60 Minutes exposing the exploitation and the brutal treatment of elephants in Thailand. Seeing the abuse and suffering the Asian elephant has endured brought me to my knees.
This short segment inspired me to launch my passionate journey into elephant conservation, motivating me to travel to Thailand to volunteer in several ethical elephant projects. These experiences were the powerful driving force for me to begin raising funds and awareness for this critically endangered species. Eventually I created the nonprofit, The Elephant Initiative.
The Elephant Initiative is here for the Asian elephant and we envision a world where they no longer have to suffer and can live in sanctuary. We are excited for you to join the herd.
Our Herd
Our herd, aka the board members at The Elephant Initiative are dedicated to protecting Asian elephants and they strive to ensure these wonderful creatures have the opportunity to continue to thrive in their natural environment.
They are passionate about the cause and are committed. With their help, we are able to develop campaigns and initiatives to help protect the Asian elephants. By working together, we are able to make a difference and ensure their survival for generations to come.